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The opportunity to acquire high quality web traffic and sales leads for builders.

Why To Partner With Review Based Property Website?

Reviews are an easy way to boost your reputation and impress more genuine property buyers. Every month, Thousands of visitors use Propryte’s ratings & reviews to find and compare properties. Create your free listing to join the world’s largest property reviews network!

3X Reach

Each review you received is shared in our social platforms.

More Leads

Projects with  reviews get 67% more traffic and 75% more leads.

Easy Access

Easy-to-share review form and a reviews badge for your website.

Quality Reviews

Upholding a zero-tolerance policy toward fake reviews.

Connect with property buyers

At this very beginning, Every month thousands of property buyers visit Propryte. And search, compare and read reviews of the properties. Register your property with us, you’ll reach relevant customers precisely when they are researching the kind of property you sale.

We’re on a path to improve your business!

Customised Campaigns

Control your traffic volume with easily adjustable bids and user geography.

Exclusive Tags

Projects listed with featured tags to gain customer attention.

Low Acquisition Cost

Cost spent on lead acquisition can be easily managed and controlled.

Manager Portal access

Access to manage your listings and respond to customer reviews directly.

Wait, Why is Propryte free?

Propryte is free for users because builders & vendors pay us when they receive web traffic and sales opportunities. Propryte lists all the approved properties available in the market — not just those that pay us — so that you can make the best-informed purchase decision possible.

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